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Development of AI-based SaaS products

AI meeting assistant for business
Project overview:

Reelay is a web platform for recording, analysing and summarizing online meetings through any platform. Reelay in integrated with any popular online meeting platfrom like: Slack, Zoom, Google, Microsoft teams and many others.

Reelay joins the call in a role of  an "Attendant" who records, transforms audio into text and gives the resume of the conversation by the end of the meeting.

AI model is based on Open AI open source code which major improvements made by Emphasoft team.
Reelay supports all the popular languages.

Emphasoft took a vital part in product release and continious improvements and development.

The aim of this service is to facilitate meeting recordings and increase the effectiveness.

Emphasoft engagement:

Emphasoft joined the team of 9 people:


  • 3 developers front end
  • 2 developners back end 

  • 1 QA tester 

  • 1 ML Ai expert
  • 1 Designer
  • 1 Project manager

  • Release of prototype: December 2022 - June 2023
  • Release to Beta version: June 2023 - present time
  • Implementation of AI model

  • CI/CD scalability and maintenance

  • Support of all popular languages

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