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Python Development Service


Welcome to Emphasoft, your trusted partner in Python consulting and development

10+ years
of experience in Python development

Industries we work with

Media & Publishing
Consumer services
BFSI sector

We offer

Python app development

Best solutions for Data-driven companies

Python integration framework

integration with different Data Base. PostgreSQL, MongoDB and others integrations with different services like Mailgun, Sendgrid, Twilio etc

Python captivating design solutions

We use Django and flask framework for back-end development

What did we do with Python?


Identity data protocol service for legal, financial, and work data

INDUSTRY: Security
CLIENT: DData verification platform with more than 250 employees. This year they raised $70m in Series B.
ENGAGEMENT WITH EMPHASOFT: Since founding in 2017 till now. They started from 5 engineers and UI/UX designer.
RESULTS WE DELIVERED: Entire application was developed by Emphasoft engineers. We made several redesigns, constantly adding new features, our engineers built the entire microservice infrastructure, financial metrics dashboards, testing. And we keep going further to the next round.


SaaS physician artificial intelligence augmentation and scribe system

INDUSTRY: Healthcare
ENGAGEMENT WITH EMPHASOFT: Since 2019 till now. Total of 19 engineers has been outstaffed to the project – frontend, backend, ML engineers, devOps, designer
TECHNOLOGIES WE ARE USING: Angular, Ansible, AI, NLP, ML, AR, Django, Python
RESULTS WE DELIVERED: Deployed the innovative telemedicine functions for automating the medical attendance process. Web-app backend and frontend development, expanding the NLP knowledge base for improving the AR-powered diagnostic algorithm, UI/UX design of the platform, DevOps processing.

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The Startup’s Guide to AI-Driven Marketing: Trends and Tools for 2024

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