Project scope
An offline investment agency decided to expand its business online in search of new fundraising opportunities. The agency aimed to attract investors to buy the company’s stock by transparently presenting their current investment portfolio on a web-portal.
Also, we’ve been asked to create an algorithm for real-time recounting of the company’s stock price depending on the dynamics of its portfolio’s value, which should allow individual investors to control their direct income.

As it had been previously discussed with the client, we developed such a website, which depicted the portfolio value, counted the company’s stock price and accounted for each investor’s revenue online.
For users:
- News on investment market is available
- Value of company’s portfolio can be observed
- Company’s stock can be bought
- Individual income is easy to control
- Referral system is available
For website admin:
- New investors are attracted online
- Users’ statistics can be studied
- The investment portfolio is easily editable
- All transactions are counted and listed