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Improve the security of your application. Gain more trust from your customers

Two Factor Authentication for Fintech and SMB
Two Factor Authentication for Fintech and SMB

2FA adds an additional layer of security to the authentication process

There are 3 major problems of the log in process

Lost seed phrase
Lost seed phrase
Seed phrase is to long and can be lost. There is a huge number of cases when people could not restore their funds because they lost their seed phrase
Difficult log in process
Difficult log in process
According to statistics, 4 out of 5 users leave an application where log in process takes more than 1 min
Stolen password
Stolen password
Passwords can be stolen. When there is only one layer of login protection, it can easily be broken or any leaked of the information can lead to drastic consequences

Emphasoft 2 FA solution is the choice of successful client applications!

Two Factor Authentication is a MUST for companies who deal with sensitive information

Crypto wallets
Applications that collect and store personal user data
Monetary and financial services
Private and security oriented business
for companies who deal with sensitive information
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Two Factor Authentication has a lot of advantages

Eliminates the need for user IDs and passwords
Makes log in process faster and more user friendly
Establishes trust in your appplication

We offer: 2 approaches & 2 solutions

Fast and simple

Log in with a Google like solution

Your customers will verify using 3 digits google-like method to confirm their access. For applications

Price: $2.000 - 3.000 Time to delivery: up to 1 week
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Customized and sophisticated

AWS amazon recognition API - based solution Access with Face recognition model.Available for applications as well as physical places.Your customers will get access to the application or device using face ID or special gesture

Price: $30.000 - 40.000 Time to delivery: up to 6 month
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What we created for our client

Physical access to the place the premises authorised by face and gesture recognition System can identify persons, their age, and gender. It easily integrates with existing camera systems. Using the AI and Computer Vision technology, it can gather and analyze massive amounts of data.

Required features:
  • Recognition dashboard
  • Video 2-Factor Authorization (V2FA)
  • iOS Chek-in App
Time to delivery: 4 months
Industry: hotel, private territory, applications

Access to the crypto wallet, sending funds, creating reports authorised via face recognition to decrease user errors. Access to the wallet is authorized by gesture, transactions over $100 000 are authorised with face recognition to mitigate mistakes.

Required features:
  • Recognition dashboard
  • Facial 2-Factor Authorization (V2FA)
  • Gesture 2-Factor Authorization
Time to delivery: 2 months
Industry: MSB applications, crypto wallets

Authorization in local directory of a bank branch with local 2FA application Bank with over 30 000 employees did not want to use any third party 2FA applications. Bank CEO wanted to have their own secure 2FA application for the employees. This solution increased security levels and helped prevent non-employees from gaining access to the local server containing sensitive and confidential data.

Required features:
  • Private access to 2FA application
  • Integration with local security infrastructure
  • Security dashboard with data about time and numbers of authorisations by each employee monitored by the security office
Time to delivery: 6 months
Industry: banks, big enterprizes

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